"워크스페이스 이름을 넣으라고?" yarn add mui-tel-input@latest 전화번호 형식 폼 라이브러리 설치하기 | error Running this command will add the dependency to the workspace root rather than the workspace
2024. 11. 12. 11:25
yarn add mui-tel-input@latest새로 하는 프로젝트에 국가별 전화번호 형식 폼 쓰려고perplexity에서 추천해준 mui-tel-input을 설치하려는데yarn add v1.22.22error Running this command will add the dependency to the workspace root rather than the workspace itself, which might not be what you want - if you really meant it, make it explicit by running this command again with the -W flag (or --ignore-workspace-root-check).info Visit https://..